Happiness Thru Family

A general update for family and friends who we miss being close to, but we want to keep updated.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Mothers Day - 2006

I was overwhelmed with gifts from Sushan (also on behalf of Lilei). She made me a bouquet of candies at daycare, some bathsalts and a chocolate spoon at preschool, and then she gave me some of her treasures - a lichi candy, a button from her collection, and a fairy and treble clef window crystal. Our house is filled with rainbows now. Then she made me breakfast - a banana and peanut butter rolled sandwich. She even cut it herself and garnished it with fruit that was left on the table from last nights bedtime snack. She's very creative and thoughtful. The beautiful card was made at Sunday School for me. For supper we had chinese food brought in and it was a real treat not having to cook - a very enjoyable day.


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