Happiness Thru Family

A general update for family and friends who we miss being close to, but we want to keep updated.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Year of the Pig - continued closer to home

We first celebrated with a group in a nearby city, then a week later we celebrated with close friends. The girls always enjoy the dragon dance, lucky money, and a book about chinese culture, and of course a feast of chinese food.
This year with Sushan in school, I went to her class and we read age appropraite books on the chinese new year customs, did the dragon dance, did a dragon craft, handed out lucky red envelopes with chocolate money inside, and handed out lucky candy. Sushan wore her dress and looked beautiful.

Valentines 2007

The girls were right in there when it cam to icing and decorating Valentine cookies. Sushan wanted blue icing and we got as close as we could (it was her favorite color). Lilei liked the sprinkles and spent her time eating as many as she could. And of course, gifts and candy on the actual day, plus a special family meal.

Who needs a spoon?

Lilei eating lunch.

Year of the Pig

Lilei as always is a little livewire - in one of the pictures she is pulling a girl who is twice her age all around the gymnasium.
Sushan is learning a bit about chinese yoyoing with her friend Lian.
A group photo with most of the kids who were able to attend this year.
In addition there is always a craft table and Sushan enjoys that activity as well (not pictured).
I always enjoy catching up with everyone and seeing how much the kids change over the year.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Preparing for Chinese New Year

This year, preparing for
Chinese New Year included Lilei's first haircut. Every year we get our hair cut as part of our tradition.
I would like to point out that Lilei sitting long enough to get her hair trimmed is astounding!
I also have to make note of the fact that Sushans hair is darker than the black cape she's wearing.

A Family Celebration

In January, 2007 we celebrated Sushans 4th family day. Every year, Sushan and I go out for a day of shopping, lunch, and an afternoon movie - just the 2 of us. When we picked Lilei up from daycare we had cake and celebrated a wee bit more.

New Years Eve 2006

We partied in true style - Lilei in her PJ 's. We ate, drank, and were merry - until 9 p.m. Then the girls crashed (to be honest I wasn't far behind). Happy New Year.

Tobogganing with Friends

Dec. 31, in a desperate (failed) attempt to tire our kids out, we met to go tobogganing. We had hot chocolate and leftover holiday dainties. It was a great afternoon with friends.

Christmas 2006

Santa put a barrel of monkeys into each of the girls' stockings and the competition between Auntie and Gramma was intense.
Cookies and milk for Santa, carrots for the reindeer - all eaten, proof if ever one needed any that Santa had been in our home.
It was a fun day with the family joining us for the holidays.

Lilei turns 2

We celebrated at home with friends and again a few days later at Gramma and Grampas house. Lots of cake, ice cream, presents, friends and family. What a wonderful time.

The Toothfairy Commeth

To date we have had 3 visits from the toothfairy - pictured is the first. In the next month we'll have probably 3 more visits from the toothfairy. The top 2 front are wobbly as well as 1 more from the bottom front - which will make the bottom front 4 baby teeth gone. It's amazing to see the excitement that a loose tooth can generate. On a side note, at Sushans last dentist appointment we were told "no cavities and the enamel between the teeth is great ".

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Gymnastics - Autumn 2006

Gymnastics continues to be an activity Sushan enjoys. Lilei started at this time as well even tho she was 2 months shy of her 2nd birthday. She has no fear and is constantly amazing me at what she is capable of accomplishing. What it amounts to is that is she sees Sushan doing it, then she figures she should also be able to do it and she keeps trying until she makes it happen. This causes some gasping on my part, but we haven't had to go to emergency yet (knock on wood).

Hallowe'en 2006

Before we got the pumpkin carved, Lilei took it upon herself to take the lotion and cover the entire pumpkin with it. As a result, we had the shiniest pumpkin on the block.
Cleaning out the pumpkin obviously isn't a favorite job for either of the girls.
Sushan was a witch and Lilei was a hobo. Her costume had the cutest hobo hat, but she wore it for about all of 30 seconds and that was it. We had fun. In addition to some trick or treating we were able to take in a family oriented party put on annually by the city and Sushan had fun at school when they had a costume parade.

The Hamper

I can't explain the fascination with the clothes hamper, but anytime it's empty (which to be truthful isn't all that often) of clothes, it gets filled with kids!