Happiness Thru Family

A general update for family and friends who we miss being close to, but we want to keep updated.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hallowe'en 2006

Before we got the pumpkin carved, Lilei took it upon herself to take the lotion and cover the entire pumpkin with it. As a result, we had the shiniest pumpkin on the block.
Cleaning out the pumpkin obviously isn't a favorite job for either of the girls.
Sushan was a witch and Lilei was a hobo. Her costume had the cutest hobo hat, but she wore it for about all of 30 seconds and that was it. We had fun. In addition to some trick or treating we were able to take in a family oriented party put on annually by the city and Sushan had fun at school when they had a costume parade.


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