Happiness Thru Family

A general update for family and friends who we miss being close to, but we want to keep updated.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Lilei's Baptism

OK - the pictures are out of order because I still haven't got everything figured out. So, in reverse:

Auntie with Sushan at the house, Sushan (friend Court tucked in behind), Lilei and Gramma at house.

Auntie never forgets anybody - Sushan with a great new book.

opening a beautiful frame with poem.

At the Church, and with the Reverend. Lilei looks tired because it's nap time. She's been up since 6 a.m. and by the time we did pictures at church it was noon, and then the gift opening went after that. She held it together well and crashed around 2.

At church.

Lilei with good friend Linda.


  • At 5:32 PM, Blogger Shelley, Mom of Meg & Kate said…

    What a true blessing our girls are!!!


  • At 9:27 PM, Blogger my3 kids said…

    Sushan, we LOVE I Love You Stinky Face!!!! Isn't it a funny book? What a beautiful day it looks like you all had. You all look very pretty!

    Janice, Emma and Family xoxo


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